Venus Legacy is a radio frequency technology that both improves skin and reduces fat and cellulite by stimulating production of collagen and elastin and shrinking fat cells. This tightens and smooths sagging skin and reduces wrinkles. Non-surgical body sculpting results in shrinking fat cells for circumferential reduction and smoothing or near elimination of the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.
This treatment is effective on all skin tones and may be used on nearly any area of the body with no downtime and negligible side-effects.
About Venus Legacy
The Venus Legacy is a highly effective, medical-grade cosmetic device that offers a wide range of benefits including skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, stretch mark reduction, circumferential reduction, and cellulite reduction.
The procedure is non-surgical, completely non-invasive and painless, yet provides state of the art body contouring and skin rejuvenation, resulting in a trim smooth figure and a youthful, healthy appearance to the skin.
The Technology Behind Venus Legacy
Two different ground-breaking technologies lie at the heart of the legendary results of the Venus Legacy, Multi-polar radio frequency or (MPRF), and Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields or (PEMF).
When used in conjunction with one another, these processes safely produce heat under the skins surface. The result is a dual-action benefit of both stimulating the growth of new collagen and elastin fibers, while at the same time, shrinking the size of fat cells. In other words, it works to restore a hydrated, tight, and firm appearance to the skin, while slimming down pockets of excess fat.
In addition to MPR and PEMF, two additional proprietary technologies ensure maximum effectivness, precision, and safety. During the treatment, Varipulse technology issues a pulsed suction which your technician can adjust for comfort. This suction gently pulls the skin upward into the treatment device, allowing for a deeper and more targeted treatment. At the same time, Real-Time Thermal Feedback technology allows for precision of operation so that the treatment remains safe and comfortable while delivering maximum results.
Venus Legacy Overview:
- Cellulite
- Saggy skin
- Wrinkles
- General smoothing
Areas That Can Be Treated With Venus Legacy
The Venus Legacy is designed to treat almost any problem area of the body. For cellulite reduction, fat reduction, and skin tightening, it is commonly used on the following areas:

- Stomach
- Hips
- Thighs (Inner & Outer)
- Flanks
- Buttocks
- Upper Arms
- Bra Fat Area
- Face
- Chin
- Neck
Venus Legacy™ provides safe, pain-free, immediate, and long-term results for body contouring, cellulite reduction, stretch mark reduction, wrinkle reduction, and skin tightening for the face, neck, and body.
How to Prepare for Treatment
Before coming in for your treatment, thourougly cleanse the areas to be treated. Avoid using any lotions, oils, creams, or makeup on the treatment area after this cleansing. Keep in mind that we cannot treat areas with tattoos. Once your arrive, you will remove all clothing, jewelry, bands or devices from the treatment areas. It is typically not necessary to avoid any foods or medcations prior treatment.
Keep in mind that this is a non-surgical and non-invasice treatment. It is comortable and pain-free so it is not necesary to use any painkillers beforehand.
How Long Does a Treatment Session Last?
Depending on the size and number of areas being treated in a single session, most treatment sessions last about 30 to 40 minutes.
How Quickly Will I Notice Initial Results?
Patients usually notice initial skin improvement results immediately following their first treatment. At reduction is usually also noticed sometime ater the first treatment.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
The total number of sessions needed will depend on the areas being treated and what your final results goals are. Most patients need between 6 and 10 sessions to see maximum benefits.
Are There Side-Effects or Downtime With Venus Legacy?
After treatment, you may notice mild swelling that typically resides within a day but may take 3-5 days to completely resolve. Any post-treatment redness will subside within a few hours. The majority of patients are comfortable to immediately return to work following their session, or continue with their day with no downtime at all.